We focus on studying the specific properties of those materials employed to design and fabricate the next generation or improving the actual generation of artificial organs, including polymers, metals and composites. We work with companies and industries as well, worldwide. We aim in improving functional properties of blood-contacting artificial organs and biomaterials, such as arterial prostheses, endovascular devices (stents) and others. Our works are carried out in collaboration with HEMA Quebec and Canada Blood Service as well as industries in the field. Experimental modeling of those biological processes to which artificial organs are exposed during the implantation, in order to modulate artificial organs and biomaterials properties (atherosclerosis, functional degradation, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and others). These studies are carried out in collaboration with academic leading laboratories worldwide, operating in different but high complementary fields (see partnership section).
Design, development and validation of structures for scaffolding cells during 3D regeneration under the controlled biochemical and mechanical environment provided by perfusion bioreactors. Structures are developed from natural and synthetic polymers, and the aim is to develop structures able to present the same mechanical behavior than that of the physiological healthy tissue. We interact regularly and exchange specimens as well as researchers with academic laboratories worldwide, as well as policy-makers and companies. In particular we focus on the study of the effects of mechanical constraints in regard to the adhesion, spreading and proliferation of endothelial cells on polymeric scaffolds for tissue engineering applications and bioreactor technologies and “physiological” control. Dr Jean Lagueux is research associate mainly in this topic.
Our efforts are dedicated to the analysis of the mechanical (elastic, viscoelastic, etc.) and surface properties of biologic, polymeric and other synthetic materials for applications in different fields (biomedical, biological, optical, mechanical and industrial in general). The evaluation under dynamical charges of the responses of biological tissues, focusing on cells and tissues playing a major role in regard to the hemocompatibility of synthetic materials, such as endothelial cells, arteries and veins constitutes a major axe of research and development. Prof. Bernard Drouin is the laboratory coordinator for this topic.