A picture of the international team involving two universities (Laval University, Québec CA, and Milan Polytechnic University, Milan IT) and three research groups (Laboratory of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, LBB, Research Group of Materials for Mechanical applications, and Laboratory for Laser Applicatios of Milan Polytechnic University).
A picture taken during a meeting with the three research groups cooperating in common projects, discussing the evolution of common projects, involving laser materil modification for biological applications and design of biodegradable metallic materials.
A picture taken during a meeting between Laboratory of Biomaterials and Bioengineering (LBB) and Laboratory for Laser Applicatios of Milan Polytechnic University (representatives) - 1 of 2
A picture taken during a meeting between Laboratory of Biomaterials and Bioengineering (LBB) and Laboratory for Laser Applicatios of Milan Polytechnic University (representatives) - 2 of 2